Our Mission

The mission of the Fresno International Christian Church is to make maturing disciples of Christ. Making disciple making, church planting churches around the world.

What We Believe

We are the Fresno International Christian Church. We are a part of a world-wide movement of SoldOut Disciples with the vision to evangelize the nations in this generation. Our goal is to be a church full of disciples that love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love each other just as Jesus loved us. (Matt 22:37-40, Jn 13:34-35) We want to lead the way in laying down our lives for each other and emphasize the need for every disciple to be a committed servant in the body of Christ (1 Jn 3:16, Mk 10:43-45). We want to reach out within our community and share our faith, so that through us, God can make disciples of all the nations living around us (Matt 28:18-20) and bring them into a loving, serving and maturing body of Christ (Eph 4:11-16).

Our Leaders

Eric and Arielle Schram serve as the church’s Lead Minister and Women’s Minister. Eric received a his Bachelors of Arts in Ministry from the International College of Christian Ministry. Arielle received a Bachelor of Arts in History from Thomas Edison State College, a Masters in Strategic Communication and Leadership at Seaton Hall University and her Bachelor of Arts in Ministry from the International College of Christian Ministry. Both have served in the ministry for a combined 40+ years. Eric found Christ as a college student being baptized on September 11th of 1999. Arielle found Jesus on August 23rd of 1998. Both Eric and Arielle shared a passion for preaching the gospel and were married in December of 2005. Eric and Arielle have done ministry in California, Colorado, and Alaska and have 2 kids (Ekiah and Kainan) and 2 dogs (Valor and Hermine). Feel free to reach out to them at any time!

Contact Eric

Contact Arielle